Monday, March 22, 2010

Progress Report 3/19/2010

Hey peoples, didn't really work on it this weekend, but heres friday's update. I'm currently a little stumped on how to save the file from the main control. Hopefully it wont take me too much longer to figure it out.

Progress Report 3/19/2010
Currently working on save functionality for the currently selected tab.

+Fully converted the old cfg's for use with this project.(still need to be fully updated)
+File structure for the acs files is complete.
+Saving has acs files have a default location as being able to be have a set location.

Still nothing.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Progress Report 3/17/2010

Here with today progress report though most of my work will probably be on the acs for a while.

Progress Report 3/17/2010
+Added a couple more menu bar items for settings and help though there functionality is yet to be implemented.
+Added a splash screen that tell the currently released version compared to your version.
+Currently working on the settings class for saving information.

*Moved the acs controls over panels for easier layout management.
+Pulled out the old cfg acs files out of the old version of zScripter and slightly modified them for better usage.
+The compiled file with now have the name it started with but with a .o instead of .acs.

Nothing quite yet.

Adding more to this list as I complete it.

zScripter? Progress Report 3/16/2010

What is zScripter you might ask? Its a c# program I'm developing for scripting ACS/Decorate for zdoom based engines. Currently its in its early infancy but i'm going to post here every day I work on it with my progress, In fact i'm going to post yesterdays right now, since I basically started this project yesterday.

Progress Report 3/16/2010
+Main links between pages is set up.
+File-> ACS/Decorate- Will create a new tab with the respective file type.
+Right clicking a tab your can save(not implemented yet) or close that tab.
+File-> Close -Closes tabs
+File-> Exit - Exits the program

+Main ACS layout mostly done at least for the moment.
+Browser linked to wiki
+It will now compile ACS files and a msg box will pop up upon errors.

+Decorate form is in place but has no layout.